After reading the two articles, “Men Growing Up to be Boys” and “The Death of Pretty,” I have concluded that the authors of these pieces of work would indeed be in agreement with one another if they were to discuss on the subject of how people view their gender roles in today’s society. In theory, if author Pat Archbold, from “The Death of Pretty,” and Lakshmi Chaudhry, from “Men Growing Up to be Boys,” were to engage in a dinner discussion referring to the topic, I believe they would both agree with one another that there should be a sense of fear for how our society is currently playing out. The fear that Pat Archbold’s mentions is that the loss of a women’s innocence can and will lead to a death of a generations view on their own gender role. With this in mind, Chaudhry stated vaguely in his piece, that men are becoming progressively less responsible and more immature. As a result of these being their beliefs, if they were to discuss both of these situations at a sit down dinner, would result in a fear for our societies future. I hypothesis that both these authors would fear the future, because with men losing responsibility and with women no longer protecting ones innocence and instead replacing it with a desire to be “hot” by instead earning street credit, the future that these writers would predict would be one filled with men and women becoming less responsible and co-operative, and in the end conclusion will result in a society where gender relations are based on personal gain and desire rather than the old generations belief of settling down to start a family. Thus, ending the age of family values, and instead encouraging an age of selfish gender behavior that benefits the individual rather than the society.
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