Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hope for Future Generations

When meeting someone new it is most of the times a little bit awkward until you find something in common between each other. After reading both Pat Archbold and Lakshmi Chaudhry’s articles about how the generation today has digressed and turned away from simplistic traditions and values, I believe they would get along quite nicely while at a dinner together. Their conversation while dining would be stemmed by how both women and men of today have changed the norms from generations before them. Archbold would provide the viewpoint on how the women of today have changed their values of innocence and inner beauty to the hopeful physical attraction one would cause to the other sex. In The Death of Pretty, he offered his own opinion to women of what men are looking for in their romantic partners. He mentions that men have certain aspects of their character that moves them to protect and defend those women who live a pretty life. For Chaudhry to hear all these opinions from a man himself could guide her in what men look for in women today, since it is sometimes hard to understand what is going on in a man’s brain. Which would lead to the discussion of Chaudhry’s article Men Growing Up to be Boys. She would offer the analogy of the modern man to Peter Pan and his goal to be young forever, in order to create a clear image to Archbold in what women have to filter through when looking for their own romantic partners. Just like how men want to find someone who is pretty on the inside and out, us women also want to find someone who is a well-driven, family man. It is hard to find these guys when our society idolizes the “man-child” in various amounts of media. At the conclusion of this dinner, these authors would leave with a stimulated conversation that proves that someone else, not just them, in this world hopes that one day society would revert to good values found in both women and men.

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